Principal's Message
School Choice for Girls
This link will take you to a blog that summarises key outcomes from research into the impact of single-sex schools on girls’ education. The research is a wonderful endorsement of the important work that the staff at St Columba’s College undertake on behalf of our students to ensure that each student has the opportunities to allow them to be their best.
Yesterday saw the release of the final report Women’s Economic Equality: A 10-year plan to unleash the full capacity and contribution to the Australian Economy. Seven recommendations emerged from the report that can be used to evaluate the success in delivering improved economic equality for women. Sam Mostyn AO, Chair of the Women’s Economic Equality Taskforce, who delivered the report writes in her introduction to the report:
We have arrived at a moment of consequence where a genuine commitment to respecting women, and valuing and nurturing their economic contribution by removing systemic barriers, is vital.
At St Columba’s College, we promote and champion the full flourishing of women. The recommendations in this report provide hope for a future where the opportunities and voice that girls have at St Columba’s will be experienced in every pathway they may choose for life.
Spring Music Concert
Congratulations to our musicians, and their teachers for a superb night of entertainment on 16 October. An amazing showcase of musical talent was on display, pointing to the dedication and commitment of all our musicians to their craft.
Parent Resources Available from the Sophia Library
A reminder about the parent resources that are available to parents via the button on the SEQTA Engage Welcome Page. You will be asked for the password, SCCparentresources, that takes you to a page where you can browse the collection, and contact Suzanne Hemming, one of our wonderful Sophia Library staff members, if you have any questions. We add to this collection on a regular basis.