July 30, 2021

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Principal's Message


Year 10 PBL Week

Father/Male Mentor Breakfast Invitation

Toilet Door Project

Year 8 - Book Club

eSafety Webinars for Parents

Year 7 2023 Enrolment

A Message from the PEC

Principal's Message

Improvement Processes

At the last College assembly, I spoke to the students about the value of feedback, reflection and goal setting, important processes for growth for every member of the College community.  Below is an excerpt of what I shared at the assembly:

“It was my pleasure to be able to host Tiana C as Principal for a Day towards the end of last term.  You may have read her account of the day in a previous edition of the IONA.  Part of the day was spent with Mrs McDonald and myself for our weekly meeting, and on the agenda was a discussion about Mrs McDonald’s upcoming review.  As we were speaking, I wondered about how much our students know about their teachers as learners and goal setters.

Many of you will know that I was reviewed earlier this year.  This is a formal process that happens for all Principals in Victoria at least once every three years.  The review includes surveys, interviews over two days with staff, students and parents conducted by a panel of four, and a self-reflection report that I developed, based on the College’s Strategic Plan and also the goals that I set myself each year for my own growth and development, and which I present to the Chair of the Board.  The Board Chair and I receive my review report which lists commendations and recommendations from which I develop a Leadership Growth Plan identifying the actions I will pursue for my improvement as a leader.  This is essentially a process about seeking feedback that supports my capacity for growth and improvement.

This year Mrs McDonald will be reviewed in a similar fashion and so will two other members of the Leadership Team – all involving a process of self-reflection, seeking feedback through surveys and interviews, and a review report, listing commendations and recommendations, which informs the development of growth goals.

Each year every leader at the College sets goals which they review regularly with their own leader at the College, and each teacher sets goals for the work they do in the classroom.  They gather evidence about how their practice impacts your learning and reflect on this evidence for further refinement of their practice as teachers.  Each of the teaching teams also has a goal they are working towards together.

You may have noticed this year that your teachers are in each other’s classrooms a little bit more, observing practice, asking their colleagues to provide feedback on elements of their practice they would like to reflect on, especially related to our Learn Instructional Model.  Our teachers are working with their Instructional Leaders using a coaching model to provide feedback and support reflective practice, an essential element of learning that is part of our model.

This is from our Learning, Teaching and Wellbeing Framework:

We are all learners.  Wellbeing positions us for learning and optimises our opportunities for success.  Learning is transformational, encouraging each individual to be fearless and courageous, drawing on provocations to seek ways to contribute to a hope-filled world.  We are excited about creating new ways of seeing, being and doing.  Passionate teachers and engaged students actively collaborate in the learning environment.

When we talk about a growth focussed, learning community, we talk about each and every person here including staff members.  Your teachers and our wonderful School Officers do not arrive knowing everything they need to know – they arrive knowing there is so much more to learn, knowing that they should be seeking experiences that challenge them to grow and improve.  They engage in professional learning, goal setting, seeking feedback and reflection that supports them to grow in their work, and also to grow personally, and in doing so, are providing the best possible learning experiences for you.

So, the next time you groan about setting goals – we all do because it is a process that requires tough discernment and thinking – just remember that you are learning a skill that you will draw on throughout your lives, and will support you as a life-long learner – one of the most important skills in our rapidly changing world of work and education.”


On the 6th of August we celebrate the transfiguration of the Lord. A reflection by Dianne B explains the significance of this event which shares a date with Hiroshimas Day. 

In the midst of Ordinary Time we are invited to behold the transfiguration of Christ. By some horrible coincidence, we recall Christ’s brilliance on the day that the world marks another cosmic event, its birth into the atomic age at Hiroshima. The paradox of these events should not be lost on us. The white light that shone from Christ was a mere suggestion of the divine splendour that is beyond human comprehension; the flashing light from the atomic explosion was an omen of the destructive force that is within human grasp. It is imperative that the horror of the latter be brought under the control of the glory of the former.

The transfiguration was a moment in time when Jesus’ divine glory broke through his humanity and shone with a brilliance that was blinding (The readings of the day outline 3 different moments when the glory of Jesus is revealed. Each moment reflecting a prophetic message). 

We are the ones who today possess the prophetic message; we are the present day eyewitnesses of Christ’s majesty. We too have moments when we might behold his glory and hear the voice proclaiming his identity, but we need eyes of faith and ears that are open.



On the mountain you were transfigured, O Christ God,

And your disciples beheld your glory as far as they were able

So that when they would behold You crucified,

They would understand that Your suffering was voluntary,

And would proclaim to the world,

That You are truly the radiance of the Father.


Year 10 PBL Week

All Year 10 students participate in a week of Project Based Learning (PBL) in place of completing traditional work experience. The aim of PBL is to make links with industry and  solve real world problems related to that industry using design thinking. At the end of the week, students present their designs and prototypes to industry and their teachers for feedback.

This year PBL is hitting the airwaves. Our students will be presenting their ideas live on radio on Friday 3 September. Save the date and look out for more information soon.

Father/Male Mentor Breakfast Invitation

Toilet Door Project

Last term, the Year 11 VCAL Work Related Skills class designed and created positive toilet door posters as part of the ‘Toilet Door Project’. The aim of the ‘Toilet Door Project’ was to bring positive messaging to the Slater toilets to promote self-love, body positivity, inspire and motivate students. When collaboratively designing the posters it was important for the team to develop quotes that represented the values of the College- Hope, Love, Justice and Compassion. We also used the College symbols in some of the poster designs such as; the Dove to symbolise peace and the red thread representing the connection to our community. This project provided an opportunity for the VCAL students to demonstrate and implement 21st-century learning skills of creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking.

The Year 11 WRS class would like to thank Keira and the Art Department for helping us make this project a reality.

Year 8 - Book Club

I hope you enjoy the short clips showing the enthusiasm 8.4 English has for reading. You may or you may not know that reading is one of life’s greatest pleasures, up there with a great sporting contest, eating a delicious meal, a long-awaited car trip through the countryside and swimming along the Great Ocean Road. The best thing for our children is for you to help cultivate a passion for reading. It will make them more interesting people, allow them to share meaningful ideas with you and their friends, and keep them away from some of those guilty, destructive pleasures like binge television and the ubiquitous mobile phone. I know I am lucky to teach a class like 8.4 where there are many passionate readers. Why not set aside some time every weekend for the whole family to indulge in something so enjoyable and productive as family reading sessions? And please share these clips with each other.


eSafety Webinars for Parents

Free webinars are available for parents through the organisation eSafety. Upcoming sessions:

1. eSafety Guide to online Sexual Harassment and image based abuse.
It will cover:

The difference between online sexual harassment and image-based abuse
how to report online sexual harassment to social media companies
how to report image-based abuse to eSafety and when to report to police
where to get support if you feel upset or worried about something that has happened online.
You can choose to attend the webinar with your teen or share resources with them afterwards from the webinar package.

For more information follow this link or register here.

Dates (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

  • Wednesday 28 July 12.30 to 1.30 pm
  • Thursday 29 July 7.30 to 8.30 pm
  • Tuesday 10 August 7.30 to 8.30 pm
  • Tuesday 24 August 12.30 to 1.30 pm

2. eSafety’s parent guide to popular apps
Learn how to help young people safely use popular apps like: TiKTok, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube.
It will cover:

An explanation of the popular apps used by young people
case studies, research, and targeted advice
ways you can support the young people in your life to have safe, enjoyable online experiences.

  • Monday 16 August 12.30 to 1.30 pm
  • Tuesday 31 August 7.30 to 8.30 pm

Register here.

Year 7 2023 Enrolment

If your daughter is currently in Grade 5 and you wish to enrol her at the College, please ensure you submit an application form by the designated date as per the timeline below:

  • Applications for Enrolment close Friday 20 August 2021
  • Offers of Enrolment will be mailed out Friday 22 October 2021
  • Offers of Enrolment to be accepted/declined by Friday 12 November 2021

An Application for Enrolment form can be downloaded from the College website or collected from Reception.

A Message from the PEC

Greetings from all the members of the Parent Engagement Committee.

On Tuesday evening, the P.E.C. had our monthly meeting, virtually.

It was wonderful to connect with so many parents especially in the new COVID-19 world we are all adapting to.

As a school community forum, we encourage ALL parents to participate in future meetings. It is an excellent opportunity to be engaged with other parents and also be involved in future school events.

The P.E.C would like to remind everyone that our 2nd hand book/uniform Facebook page is still active. To date, this site has been very popular and successful, so get online and sell, or buy!!

Also, the 2nd hand book/uniform sale held at the college in the MPC is scheduled to be held on the 6th of December, if restrictions allow. The P.E.C will confirm closer to the date.

Our next meeting is Tuesday, 14th of September.

If you would like to participate, please contact our Office Bearers on the email below and I will forward a copy of the current Minutes and Agenda.

Stay safe and well and jump on the Facebook page too.