AGM 17 November and election of office bearer roles

2020 have been like no other year, and that theme has carried through to the Parents’ Association’s year. Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to deliver on our planned program of events, despite starting with a bang with a fantastic Year 7 Parent Meet and Greet Night. Nonetheless, we have continued to meet throughout the year and make plans for 2021. A big thank you to the parents who have continued to participate throughout the year in this way. This demonstrates the important role that the PA continues to play in connecting the College to its parent community. And a big thank you to all 258 parents who responded to our parent survey – this great response will inform how we operate into the future.

All parents are invited, and welcome to join us, for our Annual General Meeting, and final meeting of the year, to be held virtually on 7pm, Tuesday 17 November.

We will celebrate the year that was, confirm the calendar of events for 2021 and officially transition to the new entity for this group: the Parents’ Association will be reborn as the Parent Engagement Committee (PEC) in 2021, signifying an exciting new chapter.

At the AGM, office bearers for 2021 will be elected: the roles of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer will be voted on. Thanks to Suzette Bayona, Angela Whelan and Natalie Donnelly for their fantastic work in these roles this year.

If you’re interested in attending, one of the office bearer roles or just want to find out more, please contact us via